Wednesday 16 November 2011

3rd Semester in a GO !

in this post makcik nak cerita sinopsis masa part 3 ya.

okayy, mula-mula nak cerita, macam mana boleh tersesat jadi NR. bukan kena buang or tak dapat kolej pun, infact siap dapat dua kolej lagi; Angsana and Anggerik. hihi
so, since budak 3rd semester yg NR boleh bawak kereta, saya pun angkut lah Buddy kesayangan saya ke Perak. naik turun UK (unit keselamatan) sebab nak apply sticker. punya lah determine nak dapat sticker sanggup jalan ulang alik dalam campus from Kolej Sri Manjung (for interview) then a few times jugak masuk UK. then Alhamdullah, dapat jugak sticker
*penah jugak skali kena saman sebab belum dapat sticker pergi parking kat fakulti, masa tu class malam, ingatkan guard tak menggelabah sangat nak saman, rupa2 kena jugak. nak tau brapa bayar ?? RM 200 je. nak terpecah paru-paru masa hulur diut kat pejabat bendahari.

pasal rumah pulak, the six of us stayed in a corner lot house. which the area is sufficient for us. besar pun besar. the house lengkap with everything. you name it : sofa, meja, tv, mesen basuh, katil, dapur, meja makan, pisau, sudu, garfu, kuali, lesung batu, mop, SEMUA LAH ! when us 6 girls in a house, memang ruih jugak sometimes. we bonded good. pukul 4 pagi pun rasa macam baru pukul 10 malam. most of them kenal since part 1 and ada jugak kenal masa part 2. but one of them is my dear friend where kenal dari tadika lagi. who knew university pun sama and housemates lagi. duduk luar ni nak kata merayap, takde la sangat. not as adventurous as masa part 2 dulu. but we had our own ways to entertain ourselves.
in addition to that, we had our own house cat, Bimbo. nak dijadikan cerita, dia boleh beranak underneath my katil to three adorable kittens. but Bimbo and her kids kena errr, kita letak tempat lain after a few months because she did not behave and sangat la nakal ! suka sangat steal foods orang !  

sooo, part three. the subjects obviously got tougher. malas sikit nak ulas on the studies. but alhamdulillah dl lagi yet kinda sad sebab turun sikit compared to the 1st and 2nd semester, dapat la jugak maintain result yang manis mulut untuk sebut. for this semester however, i dropped a little bit and i take full responsibility on the outcome. tu la main2 sangat ! yet again, we have Investment and Statistic this semester where i know i dont really get along with numbers. investment pun 3 hari sebelum finals baru nak belajar balik & the results from my tests are not convincing. cukuplah sekadar B+. tu pun syukur sangat yang tak terhingga. 

on health issues. semester ni a few time jugak sakit. i would get comments that i looked pale from the classmates and friends. well, i have to face the fact that i have bad immune system. senang sangat nak sakit. masa pertengahan semester tu kena cirit-birit and only Allah know how much it hurts ! mama, papa and the driver fetched me on weekday night cause i couldnt stand the pain. and we had to stop in every petrol station and r&r along the way, cause i really have to...go. the diarrhea caused me to loose 5 kgs. and Alhamdullilah. im maintaining this weight now. besides that, ada jugak percubaan to jog regularly, panda acted as my jpgging buddy and it was an epic fail ! jog 4 round, termengah-mengah pastu pergi makan tomyam and bisteak. life is good !
never would expected that i'd be living healthier when i live outside the campus. masa dalam campus. dalam campus, i would spend approximately RM 10 everyday on junkfood (chips/biscuits), char kuey teow, and average of 3 sweet beverages. memang pemakanan yang tak sihat.
being a non resident  on the other hand, i consumed much more healthier food. courtesy of LANZ CAFE and BUNGA MAS. so menu harian would be fruit (mango/dragonfruit/orange) juice, tomyam, bisteak or steamed fish. it tasted so good ! now dekat shah alam mengidam nak makan makanan sri iskandar :(

Overall, it was a good experience for me. memang best duduk luar ni. bukan sebab kebebasan sangat, its because it teaches you to be wiser and more independent. its because you really have to juggle between, well everything. you have to be good in managing time. bila nak beli makanan, pukul berapa nak gerak ke class sebab tamau lambat. and the temptation to 'main-main' like nak merayap and such, you pun kena pandai-pandai control yourself so it wont affect your studies. you have to take care of your health, safety and such.
and orang kata duduk luar ni lagi mahal cost dia compared living in campus. well... i dont think so. say you have commitment to pay your rent monthly, the prioritize lah. set aside that sum of money awal bulan ke apa. and for those yg bawak car, as for me average (kalau commute between house/campus, a week tangki RM 20) and foods, everyday average habis dalam RM 6.50.  

kalau bukan sekarang, bila lagi nak belajar hidup independant. kan ?

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