Monday 11 April 2011

Tips bagi TAK TIDUR

And so, I have this test going on tomorrow at 8am & its currently 10.58pm. Haprak pun belum baca cause baru dapat tau ada test. Punya lah mengantuk, tadi interview kawan-kawan on ways to stay awake.  Lalu datanglah hidayah nak blog.

Mind you, I'm the type who prefers to read sampai habis, then baru dapat tidur tersenyum :D

There are many familiar ways that we have heard before in order to keep us awake. The conventional ones and somewhat the weird and funny ones. So, imma share some of the tips that I have heard before and the ones that really works on me (:

Tip #1     :    The classic Caffeine 
 Slalu sangat dengar ni. Minum Coffee lah, Nescafe lah, Tea lah. Whatever. But then, this does not work on me cause somehow, I cant stand caffeinated drinks. Nanti demam

Tip #2     :   Tidur
Orang kata, ubat paling mujarab untuk mengantuk is TIDUR. Tidur then bangun.
Haha, not going to happen. Once tidur, alang-alang tu tidur jelah.

Tip #3     :  MAKAN
Makan Makan Makan. Tu je tau kan ?

Tip #4     :   Amek wudhuk
ya Allah, insaf sekejap bila dengar ni. hahaha

Tip #5     :   Shower
Mandi. This really works on me. like for real. After a quick late night shower, mata terus ibarat flashlight.

Tip #6     :   Gosok gigi
Bak kata Kelly, nanti rasa fresh. Mata pun cerah

Tip #7     :    Music
'Nuff said.

Tip #8     :   Dengar cerita hantu
Faham-faham jelah

The weird ones

Tip #9     :   Letak minyak Cap Kapak bawah mata
Gila apa. 

Tip #10     :   Sebelum belajar malam, Online dulu
Katanya bila menghadap computer, mata pun rasa menyala. So kononnya tengah guna tip yang ni lah sekarang ni. Kanon je lah. I'll let you know the verdict later.
But, kalau online dulu, sah-sah  leka thennn, belajar ntah kemana. hehe

Ni maharaja yang paling Pelik penah dengar untuk stay awake. Truth to be told, penah la cuba.

Tip #11    :   BERAK
Courtesy of my roomates. Bak kata mereka, after berak, toxic pun hilang, belajar pun senang.

Those are some that I've heard before. Alang-alang finals are around the corner for the UiTMers , cuba try tengok test. *result may vary*

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